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Par 3. klases audzēkņa sasniegumiem!

Rīgas Valsts Klasiskās Ģimnāzijas 3. klases audzēknis Maksims Novickis ar lieliskiem panākumiem aizvadījis Eiropas čempionātu jauniešiem 100 lauciņu dambretē, kurš no 1. līdz 9. augustam norisinājās Turcijas pilsētā Nevšehirā.

Kopumā cīņas notika trīs disciplīnās – klasiskā laika kontrole, ātrā (Rapid) un ātrspēle (Blitz).

Maksims savos 8 gados ir izcīnījis pirmo vietu klasiskajā programmā, sudrabu Rapid un zeltu Blitz programmās, sacenšoties ar sportistiem vecumā līdz 10gadiem.

Čempionātā  piedalījās spēcīgākie spēlētāji no Azerbaidžānas, Francijas, Latvijas, Polijas, Beļģijas, Ungārijas, Lietuvas, Turcijas, Čehijas, Itālijas, Nīderlandes, Ukrainas un Igaunijas.

Apsveicam Maksimu ar pārliecinošu uzvaru un novēlam panākumus arī turpmāk!

Apsveicām fizikas skolotāju Raisu Stunžane ar Ata Koronvalda balvas saņemšanu!


“Ļ. cien. Raisai Stunžanes kundzei!

Zināšanas ir katra cilvēka

dzīves pamats un mūsu Valsts

attīstības virzītājspēks.

Paldies par Jūsu sirdsdarbu!

Patiesā cieņā

Valsts prezidents

Egils Lēvits


Ata Kronvalda balvu piešķir kopš 1989. gada skolotājiem, zinātniekiem, speciālistiem, pedagogiem un studentiem par ievērojamu ieguldījumu talantīgāko skolēnu apzināšanā un izglītošanā, skolēnu zinātniski pētnieciskās darbības organizēšanā un vadīšana.


The first projects on the subject “Fundamentals of Robotics and Automation”


In Classical Gynasium the study of a new academic subject began. Robotics is an interdisciplinary subject in which Physics, Programming and Computer Science are used as a tool. In Robotics lessons, 11 students learn to create real world objects controlled by microcontrollers. Objects that first need to be invented and expressed in the form of a sketch. Then begins modeling, mechanical and electrical calculations, the manufacture of parts and their testing. In the end, of course, the presentation of their projects. His first project “Mechanical Animal” presents 11 “b” class.


PTA Meetings in September


pta meeting

PTA Meetings in September

  •  07.09.2017 – 1.grd., 2.grd., 5.grd., 10.grd. – @ 18.00
  • 11.09.2017 – 4.grd., 6.grd., 8.grd., 11.grd., 12grd. – @ 18.00
  • 12.09.2017 – 3.grd., 7.grd., 9.grd. – @ 18.00

Back to school! New study year starts on Friday, September 1st

rkg-1-septThe grand opening of the new school year will take place at the gymnasium stadium. The beginning – at 11.00.

  • Grades 2-12 are going to the stadium at the beginning.
  • 1st graders are meeting on the track between the stadium and the central entrance (along the gymnasium).
  • The event will last up to 40 minutes and will end with the general photography of the gymnasium. After this, the first-graders, accompanied by twelve classmates, go to the gymnasium for the first hour of class.

The exhibition of handicrafts made of natural materials “RUDENS FANTĀZIJA”


The exhibition of handicrafts made of natural materials “RUDENS FANTĀZIJA” was held in Riga Classical gymnasium from 3 to 7 October. The exhibition was attended by 2nd form students. Variety of materials that have been used for the handicrafts is huge. Students made their crafts from pumpkin, grapes, carrots, zucchini and potatoes, as well as tree cones, chestnuts, tree branches and leaves. Children demonstrated their creativity and enthusiasm.

Everyone is invited to visit the exhibition (on the 1st floor of the primary school) and feel the atmosphere of The Autumn Fantasy! Thanks to all participants: students, teachers and parents! Big thanks to the 2nd form teachers Ņina Lekse and Anželika Bākule for organizing the exhibition!

text by Anastasija Yavorska, Science teacher


EUCYS2016 has officially started


The young scientists are ready to welcome the first visitors. Best luck to our young scientist Zlata Potilicina

Ranking of schools of Latvia 2016



Ranking of schools of Latvia has been pulblished. We are at the fifth position.

Summary of the Panel Discussion on Human Migration on 10 December, 2015

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The Panel Discussion on Human Migration was jointly organized by the members of the Debate Club and  students of 11-12 forms.

1. Alina Ustinova chaired the meeting and made opening presentation. on the theme. Six panellists Jekaterina Polkovnikova, Georgijs  Jagņuks, Kirills  Kuznecovs,  Ronalds Dzenis,  Diana Jučinska  and Dmitrijs Arkašarins made presentations on the theme.

2. The participants of the Panel Discussion on Human Migration  exchanged  information on the notion of migration, emigration and immigration, reasons of migration, trends, statistics, patterns, opportunities, challenges on migration.

3. Migration has the potential to improve human development outcomes for migrants and their families by raising incomes and improving education and health outcomes. Migration also greatly contributes to the development of countries of origin and countries of destination.



Our graduate has become a laureate of the “Golden Scholarship” exellence prize

Zelta Stupendija
At the beginning of October 2015 best Riga school graduates have been awarded with “not-only-symbolic” excellence prize “Golden Scholarship”. Our student Rita Dubovska was among most talented this year graduates. The event took place in the main auditorium of the National Library of Latvia . The ceremony is an annual event that is supported by Riga municipality. 18 students who have shown extraordinary results in city, state and international level subject and research contests during their high school studies, were nominated and awarded.

Rita Dubovska took part in Young reseachers state-level contests. She wrote theses in Engineering science, Information Technologies and Astronomy, winning silver and two gold medals. In 2014 Rita was one of three representatives of Latvia at European Union Contest of Young Scientist in Warsaw.


Image and information: epadomi.lv

Back again in top-10 schools of Latvia

The scoreboard has been unveiled, and here we are again! After a year being slipped down by few positions, Riga Classical gymnasium made confident comeback to the top-10 Latvian school list. A school scores in the rating when its’ students win national-level prizes in subject Olympiads and Young Researchers contest   Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 16.21.16

The 39th conference of young scientists of Latvia is finished. Winners are claimed


The results
2nd place
Topic of research: Economic cycles and its’ phases in Latvia since 1991 til 2020
Authors: 12th grade students Marija Jevsejeva & Alicija Nozdrina-Plotnicka
Supervisor: Dzintars Dvinskis

Physics: 2nd place. Special prize for visual representation
Topic of research:   Application of 3-dimentinal laser dot network for human face construction using Delaunay triangulation
Authors: 11.th grade students Anastasija Patjukova & Larisa Tregubova
Supervisor: Sergey Bratarchuk

Astronomy: 1st place
Topic: Dispersion of simple and transition craters on surfaces of Solar system planets
Author: 12th grade student Rita Dubovska
Supervisor: Sergey Bratarchuk

[read more]

Public Speaking Competition

Public Speaking Competitions on different themes take place regularly at our gymnasium.

On 16 October 2014 we had a traditional Public Speaking Contest among 10-12 students on the theme “If I were the Headmaster.” in English, German, French and Latvian. Fourteen students took part in the competition, but the majority of the students spoke in English. Each of the participants prepared a 3−minute speech on the theme, after which additional questions were asked.

The jury noted a high level of knowledge, a professional approach to public speaking and a keen interest in issues of the speech in the students’ performance. They awarded the following students:

1 place- Ariadna Kramkovska Form 11(English)

2 place- Karolīna Laganovska Form 11( English and German)

3 place- Snežana Zaļevska Form 12 ( English)

Congratulations to all participants, supporters and contributors for an exceptional standard. All the students worked very hard and tackled topics relevant to them, in addition to posing interesting questions and making persuasive arguments about their subject choice. We look forward to seeing you in December 2014.


Quanta-2014 Olympiad

Students of Riga Classical gymnasium have become the first participants from the Baltic States to take part in international multidisciplinary contest Quanta-2014 in India, Lucknow. Olympiad has started with opening ceremony. Next five days students will compete in different scientific events. The students that represent Classical gymnasium are 10-graders Vika and Roma Veretennikov and 12-grader Rita Dubovska


Elections to the council of students of gymnasium are over


Congratulations to all council members who won the elections.

Gymnasium students consecration is to take place by 26th of September


Parents and mates of 10th graders are invited to attend the event in the main assembly hall of gymnasium


Exhibition of flower artwork took place by elementary school of gymnasium

We appreciate to all first-gaders and their parents. We’ve been found of your artwork



Teachers of gymnasium also do their homework

In the early September teachers get together in their study subject associations. Teachers plan curriculum of the upcoming study year, discuss pedagogical method and organise their cooperative work.


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