The 39th conference of young scientists of Latvia is finished. Winners are claimed


The results
2nd place
Topic of research: Economic cycles and its’ phases in Latvia since 1991 til 2020
Authors: 12th grade students Marija Jevsejeva & Alicija Nozdrina-Plotnicka
Supervisor: Dzintars Dvinskis

Physics: 2nd place. Special prize for visual representation
Topic of research:   Application of 3-dimentinal laser dot network for human face construction using Delaunay triangulation
Authors: grade students Anastasija Patjukova & Larisa Tregubova
Supervisor: Sergey Bratarchuk

Astronomy: 1st place
Topic: Dispersion of simple and transition craters on surfaces of Solar system planets
Author: 12th grade student Rita Dubovska
Supervisor: Sergey Bratarchuk

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11The first part of contest is the school level competition. The opening ceremony shown at photo

13Some students have already written their first research. However for the rest of them, the research adventure is  ongoing

14Natalia Zatsepina, the school psychologist and the supervisor of Alina Ustinova’s research

16The 11th grade student Alina Ustinova has conducted reseach about gymnasium students’ self-esteem while choosing clothes of particular color.

12Her schoolmates, the 11th-graders Larisa Tregubova and Anastasīja Patjukova have developed the method of using laser and diffraction grating for scanning 3-dimentional objects

18Rita Dubovska, the 12th-grader have researched craters caused by meteorites, their sizes and dispersion. She used the most relevant data that was gained just few days before the first draft of  paper

20The attenders of gymnasium conference supposed to assess those who present their works

17Gymnasium vice-principal Veronika Pluščevska announcing the work schedule

9After the school competition,  and then after the city competition, the winners are accessed to the state final research conference

8Stand session at LU Math & Physics department, Riga

10Nastja and Larisa their stand set assembly

6Laser dot network and a mask

5The visual representation of stand with using multimedia screens

3The section of Astronomy. The official part

7The unofficial part. The museum of famous rocket engineer, who studied in Riga –  Fridriech Tsander



Little extra of the faculty of Astronomy: interactive planetarium

19Traditionally, each scientific section presents one research at the closing ceremony. This is honor for us to take part in this event again